5 Tips about skin radiance and Bliss

Here is some food for thought about the need for consistent skin care. Your skin is your front office. It tells the world something about you even before you get a chance to utter a word. You, therefore, you need to learn how to take care of your skin, from the face down to your neck, and the rest of your body. Here are some tips about skin.
Remember, these tips are general cues that work for every one, any time, anywhere.

I. Apply sunscreen before you leave the house

The sun is good for many things but your skin. It destroys collagen and inhibits your body's ability to replace dead or aging skin 
cells. It is advisable to apply sunscreen irrespective of the weather because it protects the skin against effects of UV rays.

II. Choose skin care products wisely

Before you go shopping for a product to improve your skin, you need to identify the type of skin you have. If you cannot tell on your 
own, consult your beautician or skin care specialist. There are several types of skin. 

This categorization is about the level of 
moisture and oil, in and on your skin. There is the dry skin, the oily skin and that mysterious combination of the two. You also need
to remember that different parts of your face may exhibit different characteristics. it is a folly to think that your skin is the same all 
around your body. If your skin is oily for instance, you need to go simple. You only need to source for an oil free product that contains
hyaluronic acid. The element is also said to be an effective anti-aging component.

III. Exfoliate

You need to remove the layers that mask skin as a result of frequent use of products or simple dead skin cells 
accumulation. Exfoliation ensures that your skin responds to treatment. You soon acquire the fair skin you desire.

IV. Moisturize frequently

This is the simplest trick in the book of skin care, yet few people heed the advise. Drinking lots of water is the basic and most 
effective way to moisturize