6 Simple But Effective Ways To Stretch Your Calf Muscles
Do you often suffer from ankle pain? Or does your foot often ache? You have tried applying different medicinal pastes; you have taken tablets to relieve yourself of the pain, but nothing seems to work out, does it?
Well, worry not; because there is one specific exercise which eliminates your ankle pain once and for all. It is the calf exercise. In this post we will see different types of calf muscle exercises that can give you relief from ankle pain.
Can’t wait to read ahead, can you?
Why Calf Stretches?
Feet and ankles are two pain prone areas. This is because these two parts form the first contact points of the body. Stretching calf muscles helps to relax the leg. It also protects the leg from injuries like Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. Also, calf is one of the most used muscles of your body. It is, therefore, important to keep it relaxed.
Here are a few calf muscle exercises which can help keep your ankle pain at bay.
1. Gastrocnemius (Outer Calf):
In this exercise, you have to sit down and keep both your legs straight. Take a rope and loop it around the fingers of your foot. Hold the two ends of the rope with your hands. Ensure it’s a tightly looped rope. Pull the rope such that your foot thrusts towards your ankle and the toe faces your knee.
2. Soleus (Inner Calf) (1):
In this form of calf muscle stretch, keep your right leg straight. Now, keep your left leg bent. Support the bottom of the foot of your bent leg with your hands. Don’t raise the heel of your bent leg. With your heel on the ground, pull your left foot towards your body. For this, you have to exert some force. But do not make it a painful process. Repeat the process; this time keeping your left leg straight and the right one bent.
3. Toe Stand:
In this exercise, stand on a flight of stairs. Keep you feet on the edge of a step. For support, hold something with your hand. Now, slowly allow your heel to hang down the step. In this scenario, half of your feet is on the step. The other half hangs down it. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise for 5 times a day. This keeps your Achilles Tendon healthy, in turn affecting your calf.
4. Wall Stretch:
You should perform this stretch after you come back home from a run. Stand a few inches away from a wall. Now balancing yourself with the left arm on the wall, bend your right leg backward till the heel of your right leg touches your right back. You can take the help of your right hand for this. Repeat the same with your other leg.
5. Downward Facing Dog Stretch:
This stretching exercise is also a yoga pose. To begin with, take a plank and spread it on the floor. Now, bend towards the plank so that you form a V shape. Your support bases are your palms. Keep them wide and stretched on the floor.
Bring your heels close to the ground. As you do this, ensure you stretch your body wide. You need to deepen your calf stretch. For this, press down on your right foot while keeping the other leg bent.
Stay in the position for a second. Now, repeat the process using your other leg. The total exercise time is 30 seconds.
6. Calf And Shoulder Stretch:
In this form of muscle stretch, both your calf muscles and shoulder muscles are involved. It helps open your shoulders and calves.
Select a wall you want as your support. Now, stand in front of that wall. Don’t part your feet. Keep them together. Thrust your body towards the wall and keep your hands on it. The palms should face the wall.
You have to now rock your heel in such a way that your toes get off the floor. Push your buttocks out away from the wall. Tuck in your chin to stretch the neck. Hold for 30 seconds.
The aforementioned exercises are simple and yet very much effective. They eliminate your ankle pains and help you get back to your normal routine! Do share with us in the comments section which of these stretches worked best for you.