How Does Onion Juice Help With Hair Growth?
If you are one of those who are suffering from hair loss, you have probably tried many products that are usually helpless. You probably didn’t know that one of the best home remedies for hair loss is found in your kitchen. You kitchen is the place where the ultimate hair fall remedy is found.
Interestingly, that effective hair loss remedy is the onion. You probably didn’t know that this vegetable can efficiently treat acute hair loss. Since the onion juice is very efficient in promoting hair growth, it prevents hair loss too. Most importantly, you can be sure that onion juice is completely safe and natural ingredient. Apart from being easily accessible, they are very cheap too. So, they are completely safe, natural and cost-effective treatment that will provide the care your hair needs.
You are probably wondering how to use the onion for treating your hair when it smells so bad. This is true but the fact that this remedy will eliminate all you hair problems definitely makes it worth it. Furthermore, if you notice some bald patches showing up isn’t it better to use something completely safe and easily accessible that spending money in the salon. The thing is that you will be promised amazing results in the salon but in the end you will get nothing but empty wallet. The results you have been promised usually don`t appear.
So, how do onions induce hair growth and prevent hair loss at the same time? Keep reading and find more about the onion juice and the way you can use it to curb your hair loss.
Why is Onion Juice Effective for Hair?
Thanks to its rich sulfur content, the onions improve collagen production that is beneficial for the overall hair health. By massaging the onion juice in the scalp you actually improve the blood circulation. In addition, onion juice has anti-bacterial properties that prevent infections on the scalp.
By applying onion juice on your hair on regular basis, you will both thicken your hair and also eliminate many problems that cause hair thinning and hair loss. Some of the issues that can be treated in the long run are the dandruff, yeast infections, scalp acne and fungal infections. In addition, the onion juice is good for both oily and dry scalp. Using onion juice in the treatment of your hair promotes healthy hair in a completely natural and safe way.
How to use Onion Juice for Hair?
The usage of onion juice for hair treatment is very easy and simple procedure.
Take three onions, wash thoroughly and then peel them. The smaller varieties of onions are highly recommended. Then, cut the onions into smaller pieces and put them in your blender or juicer. Blend well and then extract the juice.
When done, apply the juice on your scalp and massage gently. Especially focus on the hair roots and scalp.
You should leave it like that for at least an hour and then rinse by using mild shampoo and plain water. Repeat this procedure over the next days in order to achieve the optimum results.
The results don’t come right away and you should be patient. If you are patient enough and do this simple procedure regularly for at least one month the results are inevitable. This natural method will help you get rid of the itchy scalp, bald patches and hair fall.
4 Simple Onion Juice Recipes for Promoting Hair Growth
Onion Juice- Rum Concoction
If you are one of those who cannot stand the smell of the onions, this method is the perfect one for you. All you need to do is to chop some onions, put them in a glass of rum and keep it overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture and massage the scalp with the liquid or us it as a hair rinse. This will definitely improve your hair growth.
Honey-Onion Juice Treatment
When it comes to this treatment, application is not enough. You need to consume it as well. Mix a quarter-cup of onion juice and a tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture orally on daily basis but also use it for application on your hair and scalp. Massage for 10 minutes and then leave it to work on your hair for about 30 minutes.
Raw Onion Juice
The raw onion juice is definitely the easiest way to get all the benefits of the sulfur content found in onions. Blend some onions in your blender or juicer and extract the juice. Apply the juice on your scalp and then leave it on the hair for half an hour. Rinse with mild shampoo and plain water. The results will be visible within month or two, if you do this simple procedure for a minimum three times a week. Take into consideration that this is a natural remedy and that you need to be patient since the results don’t come overnight.
Onion Juice- Oil Blend
This recipe is good for treating hair loss especially for itchy and dry skin. You need three ingredients for this mixture: Mix a tablespoon of olive oil, tablespoon of coconut oil and three tablespoons of onion juice. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair at least three times a week.
Even though the onion juice ensures hair growth in bald patches and effectively treats hair loss, it still has one flaw. The thing is, it is a pungent remedy. So, if you cannot stand the strong onion smell, you will probably find it difficult to put up this almost every day. But, if you manage to get into habit of tolerating this smell you can be sure that almost every hair problem you had will disappear.