How to Remove the Small Warts by Using a Single Ingredient
Fibromas are benign skin growths which by definition are actually benign tumors of the connective tissue. They look like small soft nodules, and can vary in size from a few millimeters to a centimeter.
Usually have the same color as the skin, but can also be brightly pigmented. The changes are not malignant, but throughout life they grow and become more noticeable, therefore become an aesthetic problem.
They most commonly appear in middle aged people and especially on places where the skin is rubbing, so usually on the neck, armpits, groin, under the breasts, stomach, eyelids, but can also occur elsewhere on the skin. In fact, almost everyone has at least one skin fibroma, so this phenomenon is not rare.
They could cause problems as they occur in areas where skin rubs so the spot can become painful- can become inflamed, start growing, bleeding etc.
The reason for their appearance is still a secret, but heredity and obesity are mentioned as possible causes.
The good news is that you can remove them without bleeding and scarring, with only one ingredient and that is the apple acid.
It is thought that apple acid is one of the most effective homemade remedies. It can be used in treating various health conditions, and the removal of fibromas is one of them.
Note: apple acid should never be used for removal of fibroma of the eyelid!
This method has helped many people. Here’s how…
Carefully wash the place around fibroma with water and mild soap. The first time soak the fibroma in water for about 15 minutes (or put soaked cotton on it).
Dry it.
Soak a piece of cotton with apple acid and then squeeze it.
Place it directly on the fibroma and fix it with a plaster or bandage. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse with water.
Repeat three times a day, for several days, up to one week. Fibromas should first become dark and then to form a crust, dry out and ultimately fall out.
Depending on the fibromas size or how deep are in the skin, can make a little damage (a little whole), so marigold grease or Aloe Vera gel should be applied on the skin.
If fibroma isn’t deep into the skin, there won’t remain a scar -if the procedure is done carefully.