If This Does Not Motivate You, Nothing Will! This Is What Happens To Your Body After Just One Training

What happens to your body after just one training?

The stress disappears

A recent survey in the US found that only 14 percent of people train to reduce the stress. Even if your exercise creates stress, training encourages better blood circulation to the brain and produces a hormone called endorphins.

Training can prevent the emergence of diabetes

According to a study that was conducted in the 2007, a group of trainees found that one training reduces body fat in the muscles, which improves insulin sensitivity. Therefore the training is very important for your health, because the low insulin can lead to diabetes.

Training sessions can change your DNA

A study which was conducted in 2012 by Swedish researchers found that healthy but inactive adults who practice only one training session, affect the change of the genetic material of their muscles.

DNA is inherited from parents, but lifestyle factors, such as training, can play an important role in the transmission of a particular gene.

Training can also improve your concentration

When you start training, the blood in the brain improves the function of brain cells and therefore you will be more focused after a training.

Training sessions will improve your mood
During training, your brain starts to release neurotransmitters (endorphins and serotonin), which elevates the mood and relieves the depression.