If you know how much is a powerful this potion you will drink it every day. The best remedy for cellulite and excess

When we catch the tropical heat, all we want is a delicious cold satisfaction. If the first association has so far been Lemon with ice, from now you will try a new hit – water with cucumber.
Except that will instantly refresh, this combination will be a good ally in the fight against cellulite and overweight.

It is known that the water contains 0 calories while 1 cucumber average have about 50 calories, which makes this drink so good of any flavored water.

Cucumber will help you reduce hunger, which will automatically help in the fight against excess weight.

Also only than 2-3 cups a day will get positive effects on the skin because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and D.

How to prepare the drink?

Put 2 liters of water in glass pitcher. Take a large cucumber, rinse it well and cut into thin circles. Put them in a pot and let stand for several hours before use.

Optionally you can add lemon, lime, mint or any other ingredient.