Know your Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is one of those pains with which each and every individual suffers once or more in a life time. At times people get scared of it due to its high intensity but bear in mind that having strong pain does not always mean that it is serious. As seriousness of this pain cannot be determined on the basis of mere intensity as there are many other contributing factors and symptoms as well which one has to take in to account.
What is an abdominal pain?
To be very precise, it is that pain which you feel anywhere between your chest and groin. This area is usually referred as the stomach region or belly and literally, every person suffers from it at least once in a life time. People used to address this pain by using different names such as stomach-pain, belly-ache, stomachache and abdominal cramps to name a few. However, bear in mind that not all of the abdominal pains are dangerous; for example, you might feel severe abdominal pain when you have gas trouble or stomach cramps due to a virus. Therefore, do not panic when it triggers.

Causes of abdominal pain
There could be multiple causes of abdominal pain be it mild one or strong one. However, you need to know the difference among them as then you would better know that when do you need to contact your doctor immediately for treatment. If we look at the less-serious causes of abdominal pain then it includes:

-Having constipation
-Bowel syndrome is another cause behind this pain
-If you have various food intolerance
-Food poisoning is another potent cause
-Stomach flu is also an important contributor towards this pain

Apart from the less serious one if we look at the general ones then they are comprised of following:
Gallstones in Gall Bladder
Gallstones are another reason behind this pain. What happens often, gallstones are formed in gall bladder, they can block the intestine or cause swelling on it which in turn results into abdominal pain. Gallstone pain tends to strike the right side of the upper abdomen particularly after in-taking fatty meals
Inflammation in Pancreas
Your upper or middle abdomen can give you burning pains if you have pancreatic inflammation. Another way through which people have this pain is in the form of shooting one which travels right through to their back. When you lean forward to relieve the pain then nausea and vomiting could also start playing the part. This kind of pain triggers when you drink too much of alcohol, yes that is your culprit.
Heart Burn
Heart burn can cause pain in upper stomach or lower chest. This pain triggers when you eat too much food or eat fatty food quite a lot. It happens because a valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus becomes weak then allow food and acid from the stomach to splash upwards.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is another cause behind this pain which trigger mild abdominal pains, bloating, diarrhea, burping, gas, and indigestion in a person having this intolerance.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
If you have inflammatory bowel disease then this pain can trigger as a consequence of it. It is also known as pain inside the large intestine. When you have IBD then you might also have to face diarrhea, scarring and rectal bleeding. It is very important to monitor IBD disease very carefully because it could lead to more serious problems.
Cancer in any part or organ located in the abdomen could also cause stomach pain but it is a rare cause of abdominal pain and it is usually triggers along with many other symptoms such as loss of appetite or weight loss or vomiting and bloating of abdomen to name a few.
Appendicitis also leads to abdominal pain. However, this kind of pain triggers in the mid-abdomen which later progress into the lower right part of the abdomen.
Miscellaneous Causes
1-When blood supply decreases towards intestines then this pain can trigger.
2-People suffering from peptic ulcer or ulcer in duodenum also tend to have these pains. This kind of pain occurs in mid-upper abdominal area especially after having meals.
3-Indigestion is a cause which is more usual among abdominal-pain-suffering people.
Home Remedies
Few of the home remedies and home cares which can be opted out for during mild abdominal pain are given below. You can try them out in order to get relief from this pain as they would be helpful for you in that scenario.
-When your abdomen begins to give you pain alarms then you should avoid eating solid food items for few hours in order to stop this pain from aggravation
-If you have been suffering from constant vomiting along with pain then you should wait for six hours before eating mild foods
-Drinking a lot of water could be a good help in reducing this pain
-When you feel heart burn then you should avoid citrus, high-fat foods, fried or greasy foods, tomato products, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages
Lastly, also avoid aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory medications, and narcotic pain medications unless your doctor prescribes them