She Gave Up Sugar For A Month – And This is What Happened!
From all these various source, we find ourselves accumulating sugar in our body, thereby causing ourselves big health problems.
When a woman heard about this, she decided she was going to remove sugar from her diet for a whole month. She wanted to see just how much effect that could possibly have. Although she wasn’t sure she could do it in the beginning, she was determine to at least give it a try and battle are cravings for sweets and other sugary things. This is the result she got.
She found out that there were alternatives to sugary energy drinks and coffee which she could take for much same effects. Even better, because taking sugar would cause a rapid and shocking decline in energy levels after the initial spike in energy it is loved for.
The woman said “I have much more energy than in the past when, for example, I ate a few squares of chocolate. I feel fantastic,” In addition to more energy, she also started to see that she was beginning to lose weight (about 2-3kg) which was very unusual for her, a dream come through. The absence of sugar in her diet kept her from adding more calories and her body started burning the ones she already had.
She was also able to get off the hook. “I realized that the sugar causes addiction. The more I ate sweet, the hungrier I felt”, she said. Instead of sugar, she has now chosen to take fruits which supply all the sugar she needs.
When we take sugar, our metabolism is slowed down because the sugar disrupts our intestines. This is why it is important to take sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables. It is fruits and vegetables that will really help our digestive system. In addition to all this, after a while of reduced sugar consumption, you skin will begin to glow.
Another reason why you should avoid excess sugar is that it will make your skin dry and cause pimples. Excess sugar may also be the reason you have acne. However, staying away from sugar for a while will not show much result in the long run if you go back to your old habits after the 30 day period. This is why we were very glad to find out that the woman in this experiment ended up not liking sweets as much as she used to.
It seemed like her body adapted to the absence of excess sugar and the cravings stopped after about 20 days of the experiment. Here is what she said: “Here it is again the addiction of sugar, which I already mentioned. When I cleaned my body of sugar, the body itself stopped looking for it””
How can you stop consuming sugar? Here is how this woman did it: She stopped taking chocolate bars, sweets, carbonated drinks and all other sugar rich foods. She replaced all those with freshly squeezed juices, vegetables, water, grilled meat, water, fruits and other healthy food.
“If I could do it, so can you! Try it, it will pay off in the long run”, she advised.
Source: Your Stylish Life