There is a very interesting story about a man named Kim, a 62-year old from Tennessee. Since the normal cholesterol levels is under 200, he was shocked to find out that his cholesterol is at unbelievable 288 mg dL. His doctor prescribed him a cholesterol-lowering medicine right away.
Unfortunately, this medicine can cause various side effects such as weakness, interference of production of coenzyme Q10 levels and muscle pain. You really don’t have to risk and to undergo these conditions, especially when there is another alternative. These alternatives treatments are completely natural, more effective and far safer. According to the Whitaker Wellness Institute, one of those effective, natural therapies is the flaxseed.
Flaxseed Health Benefits
The main health benefits of the flaxseed are the following:
Prevents strokes
Prevents heart attacks
Lowers cholesterol
The flaxseed is rich in soluble fiber which naturally controls the cholesterol levels. This is due to its ability to bind to bile acids in the intestinal tract. It actually interferes with the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream and it blocks it from entering there.
In addition, it contains high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids or EFAs. They are crucial components of cellular membranes, responsible for improving the blood flow and preventing blood clots. The blood clots are really dangerous because they are associated with stroke and heart attack. These fatty acids lower the triglycerides and blood cholesterol as well. The combination of EFAs and soluble fiber make the flaxseed amazingly effective in reducing cholesterol.
Flaxseed Health Benefits Helped Jim
Jim found about the health benefits of the flaxseed in the newsletter Health & Healing. He was surprised by the facts and decided to give the flaxseed a try. He included this natural remedy in his daily diet by using ¼ cup of freshly ground flaxseed every day, an hour before his main meal.
After 15 days of regular consumption of the flaxseed, Jim managed to lower his cholesterol to 232. After six months it fell to 188. During this period he experienced amazing improvements in his vision, skin and hair. He was feeling more energized and even stated: “I just feel better than I did 10 years ago.” Finally, he lost 33 pounds during those 6 months.
In brief, the results were really remarkable. If you want to receive the health benefits of the flaxseed as Jim did, you can simply include ¼ of freshly ground flaxseed in your daily diet. Apart from being extremely healthy, these seeds are very tasty too. You can sprinkle them on salads, yogurt or other food to your preference.
It is not recommended to use flaxseed oil or pre-ground seeds because the oils in the ground flaxseed can become rancid very quickly. Buy whole flaxseeds and grind them before you consuming them instead. The process of grinding is very simple. All you need to do is to put the seeds into a food processor, blender or coffee grinder and process them for 5-6 seconds.
Note: This shouldn’t be understood as a potential substitute for professional diagnosis, medical advice or treatment. It is recommended to consult your doctor before you decide to use some of the alternative medicine mentioned in the article. This article only offers basic information to help people enjoy a healthier life.