Why (And How) Your Skin Wrinkles Under Water
What is a wrinkle? Well, a wrinkle is the folding of the skin at any area of the body. It is also concerned with other thinks, wrinkles cloth or wrinkled paper. Wrinkles for many come with age and they are aware of it. Yet for many, they are a nightmare and they get down to its treatment right away. For this very specific lot, we have special anti-aging creams and what not to resist this natural, yet, permanent type of wrinkling of skin. These people don’t necessarily have to be actors and models, they may be average self-obsessed humans who are in love with their beauty. It is unacceptable for them to face the reality that they might be aging.
Early wrinkles may be because of unhealthy activities. These include smoking, drinking and exposure of skin to the sun. The more you expose your skin to the sun, greater are the chances of wrinkles in that specific area. Other factors that may include are poor nutrition, repeated facial expressions of any sort and gender also plays a dominant role in determining the amount of wrinkles. Men seem to have more sweat glands near and around their lips whereas women don’t. so generally it is thought that women get wrinkles earlier than men around their mouth.
is a common phenomenon and most of us face it on daily basis maybe,
wrinkling of skin underwater. For someone who loves to take baths over
showers knows what I am talking about. Also, for those living by the
shore or a bank of river or work in wet conditions also share the pain.
Well, these wrinkles caused by water are short lived and painless. They
just appear on your skin and toes and disappear in no time. Such
wrinkles may appear on anyone’s skin regardless of age, gender or race.
Even children experience such an extraordinary phenomenon whenever they
stay too long in the water.
2-Granular layer
3-Squamous celled layer
4-Basal celled layer
how do these wrinkles appear? Well, basically we have natural oil
excreted by our body that covers all parts of the epidermis. This is the
outer most layer of the skin. This oil is called sebum and it is not
visible to the naked eye but it is present and it does work as a water
proof material. This is why when we put our hands or feet in water for a
short period of time, nothing happens and this water just slides of
taking all the dirt particles with it. No wrinkles or folds appear in
the skin at that time.
why do these wrinkles appear even though our skin is supposed to be
water proof? Well, consider it this way. Our outmost skin, called the
epidermis is further divided into four parts:
1-Stratum corneum layer2-Granular layer
3-Squamous celled layer
4-Basal celled layer
is in fact the stratum corneum layer that we can feel, rip tear or we
try to heal after we get wounded and such. This layer basically consists
of dead keratin cells. These are in an abundant quality here. The
stratum corneum is composed of dead keratin cells all around the body,
yet, its consistence of keratin cells increases in the hands and feet
area. This may be because of exposure to sun, as well as, these areas is
to be most used rigidly. Hence, the skins are supposed to be tightly
bounded, that is, they are supposed to be that strong enough to surpass
certain levels of rigidness to assure that skin won’t rip and tear at
the slightest of pressure; or else we would never be able to play any
type of sports. So the skin is made in such a way that it is tough at
these areas.