Check out which group you belong to according to the lifestyle you have and how to solve the problem:
1. Obesity caused by food
This type of obesity is the most common type of obesity in the world and is caused by the excessive amount of fatty foods and the sugar in your diet. To get rid of fat, exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
2. Obesity caused by stress
This type of obesity is caused by anxiety, stress and depression. People who suffer from this type of obesity usually heal their depression with sweets. The most important thing you need to do in order to lose weight is to work towards self control and never rely on food to heal your stress or depression.
3. Gluten caused obesity
Mainly found in women in adolescence, menopause or hormonal imbalance. It is important to avoid long sitting, cigarettes and alcohol, and to practice weight exercises.
4. Obesity caused by a slow metabolism
People with this type of stomach feel like a bloated balloon most of the time. Those individuals that consume alcohol or have trouble breathing are even more affected. The least you can do is to quit alcohol focus on a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
5. Obesity caused from bad circulation
This is mostly a genetically inherited obesity, but it can also occur during pregnancy and in people who are prone legs swelling. The solution is to be active or to get some exercise like running or climbing stairs.
6. Obesity caused by physical inactivity
This type of obesity that affects all modern mode world individuals who have a sitting job where they sit for at least 8 hours a day. To fight weight gain you need to make a good exercise plan where you will activate the body for at least 3 times a week.