Six health tips that will help you cut yor belly fat fast
Most people who have weight issues are more concerned with the belly fat. The belly fat is not only unhealthy but it also accentuates one’s weight problems. With a fat belly, you lose your shape whether you are a man or a woman. The sexiness that comes naturally in every human being is distorted by bulging belly full of fat. Your clothes do not look right on you and you are restricted to what you wear. Your mobility will also be constrained with the unnecessary fat that will accumulate within your body. The only rational step someone with a fat belly must consider is reducing the fat that accumulates on your belly.
Like other weight loss measures, trimming your tummy to the right size has to be done right. To trim the belly, you need to adopt healthy measures that are sustainable. Otherwise, you may have long term health issues. Belly fat has been ranked as the most dangerous type of fat.
How it comes about
It would be insensitive to address how to rid belly fat without discussing how it forms. Gaining weight on our midsection begins with cortisol level spikes. High cortisol secretion puts the body in a situation of increased visceral fat accumulation within the midsection body region.
You may have high cortisol levels because of stress. Stress causes increased secretion of the cortisol. It is for this reason that people with larger belly maybe unhealthy rather than well fed as some cultures perceive them.
The other cause of fat belly is bad diet. If one is also taking the wrong diet, the secretion of the cortisol may be higher and the belly fat more. Eating healthy meaning the right foods in the right amounts within the right intervals ensures that the body operates optimally. If one does not have a good diet, the likelihood of increased weight gain are high as mechanism to burn calories will be compromised.
With high levels of this secretion, the muscles that are responsible for burning calories are broken down. The lean muscles, which are a tissue that burns calories effectively on the belly, are broken down and fat storage on the abdominal area is facilitated.
Why keep your belly fat low
The fat that usually accumulates within the belly is the visceral fat. The fat is intended to cushion the organs within this region. Too much fat may lead to the body suffering from high blood pressure, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and breast or colon cancer. These diseases are dangerous and cannot be easily reversed when contracted.
To know how much of the fat you have, you may use the simple procedure of measuring your belly size. You should do this procedure while standing. Your belly size should be less than 35 inches if you are a woman and for men, keep it below 40 inches. You can also do a more complicated process, which is the CT scan or the MRI on the tummy area. Having a pear shape described as bigger hips and thighs is better and healthier than having an apple shape which having a bigger waistline.
Do not be deceived that thin people cannot have the visceral fat. Thin people may look smaller, but the ratio of their belly to that of the rest of the body will determine whether they have too much belly fat. If they have too much belly fat, they are more likely to suffer the mentioned diseases. Controlling the body fat levels is an important and essential measure of keeping healthy.
The most effective ways of keeping the belly fat levels is through behavioral change. Whichever behaviors or pattern of life that you have been living that resulted to a bigger belly should be changed for a healthier way of life. If you need weight loss, it is imperative that ways that encourage weight gain should be ignored and stopped and new ways that encourage weight loss adopted.
Here are six ways to control your belly fat levels. These measures if observed religiously will enable fast weight loss by controlling the belly fat accumulation and burning the existing fats to produce body energy.
Regular exercising
This is the most common and popular way of weight loss. To burn the fat deposits within body, you need to have regular exercise. Getting 1000 crunches every night will make your belly have strong abdominal muscles. You do not need to be intense in your exercising. Short bursts of exercises will give you the right amount of physical agility that will keep your belly toned and in the right shape. If you have a big fat layer on your belly, the crunches may not deliver the desired results. You may need a strategic routine that addresses your particular body needs.
The best approach is to do exercises that will keep various muscles in the body active and burn the fat deposits especially those that are accumulated within the belly. Try exercises that targeted the muscles around the cardiovascular systems. You may consider planking your body. The routine is practiced by holding yourself in a push up position the resting your forearms on the aground. The routine is simple but effective. You may do three and four sets while holding for 30 seconds.
Exercises may also be in the form of being more involved in outdoor activities. Having a long walk or a jog will do you immense benefits when it comes to burning the body fat. Do not make it too difficult for you to do the exercise. Start simple and graduate gradually as this will keep you motivated.
Adopt Healthy sleeping patterns
Getting the right amount of sleep is healthy for the body for many reasons. One of the reasons is that you will have sufficient rest if you sleep enough so your body will operate optimally. It is one of the ways that you can keep your weight low. If you want to work until late and have less sleep, you should think again especially if you have weight issues.
At the time when your biorhythms are off you will eat more than usual. In addition, when your body is tired, you end up producing more ghrelin. Ghrelin triggers the craving for sugar, which is the enemy of any person who needs to control weight. Ghrelin is also known to trigger craving for other fat building foods making it unwanted when you need to check your weight.
Your body shape goals can benefit a lot from seven hours of sleep. This amount of sleep will affect the right amount of cortisol secretion, which is usually influenced by lack of sleep. The altered hormone production levels will cause insulin sensitivity, which is a major reason for weight gain. Get any spare time within your schedule and sleep for an average of seven hours a day and your body will get it all right.
Take foods rich in Vitamin C
As earlier discussed, stress results to production of more cortisol hormones, which facilitates fat accumulation on the belly. You can control what happens to your body when you are stressed. Vitamin C can balance the cortisol spikes in your body thus controlling its effects on making your belly fatter as a result of stress.
Vitamin C is known to be the best way of countering a cold. In addition, the vitamin is important when it comes to making carnitine which is a compound that is used by the body to convert the accumulated fat into body fuel. Basically,Vitamin C helps the conversion or the burning of the fat around your belly to produce the energy that is needed by the body. It is a fat burning assists and can work well for situation when the fat accumulations are high like when you are having weight problems.
In case you are facing an emotional problem or you are suffering from stress, Vitamin C is what you need. Vitamin C should be your companion. Whether it is stress from work, bad eating, or other related issues, the vitamin will counteract the negative effects of these bad situations to your advantage. You can get the vitamin by taking foods such as bell peppers, kale or kiwi fruits. These foods are known to host more vitamin C than orange.
Avoid sugar
You need to say no to sugar to keep the right amount of belly fat. Studies show that for belly fat, unlike other weight issues, fighting it requires 80% observation on the diet you are having. Sugar is one of the foods that you will need to avoid. You need to reduce your caloric intake significantly. Substitute high calorie foods with vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. Sugary snacks should be avoided at all costs. Consider having healthy snacks like Muscle Milk lite to serve your sugar carving.
There are many foods that are sugar free. These foods are deliberately intended for such situations. Low or no sugar foods are made for people who need to observe their weight. You should change to having these types of food because they will offer the right diet for your weight issues.
A practical way of managing this problem is by sprinkling cinnamon on your morning coffee or oatmeal. Doing this, will enable reduce or stabilize the sugar level in the blood. These two additives will also help influence the level at which the food exits the stomach. You will fill fuller early and your craving or need to eat will be managed. You will be able to eat less if you add any of the two ingredients in your coffee.
Usually, excess calories or carbs, which are energy giving is converted to fats and stored as energy banks. If you take in more calories than you burn, the excess will be converted to fat because the body will feel that you need to store energy in the form of fat for situations when they will be needed. These are the fat that bring the problems associated with weight gain and belly fat. Avoiding high caloric foods denies the body the chance to create fat.
Eat more fat
Fat maybe the problem, but it is also the solution. You will need to give your body more fat so that the accumulated fat is burnt. As earlier indicated, high caloric foods such as sugar are converted to fat as energy stored which is the cause of the problem. It is not the fat that you take in as fat that is the cause of the problem. You should take good fats because they will suppress your appetite and prevent you from eating more than you need. You will be satiated throughout the day and you will not need more food. You can find these healthy fats in foods that are rich in Omega 3’. These foods include salmon, walnuts, avocados, and other nuts.
Slow down your breathe
This is everyone’s routine because it is easy, simple, and can be done from practically anywhere. You can practice it even when you are involved in another activity all you need to do is control your breathing. If you notice that you are tense and uptight, evaluate how you are breathing. When you are stressed, you alternate your breathing by holding your breath with short breaths. In some cases, you may be having short breaths. If you notice this is happening to you, then you need to relax.
Relax your belly and slow the rate at which you are breathing. I would rather you slow down your exhalation instead of your inhalation. You can talk to yourself while doing this. Tell yourself to slow down and you will be surprise yourself when you follow your commands. It is simple but effective. Your body will soon respond with consistent practice and your systems will be balanced.
These six ways are known to be effective in weight loss specifically belly fat. Following these procedures by adopting at least three of them will give your immediate results in as much as you need to control your waist size and get the right body shape.